People Are Pointing Out Signs That Someone Was Raised Poorly, And There Are No Lies Detected

This week, Reddit user u/GamerStudio3Gaming posed the question, "What is a sign that someone was poorly raised?"


And there were so many great responses! Here are some of the top-voted answers:

1."Constant interruption during conversation. Fuck's sake, control your impulses at the most basic level."


2."Nothing is ever their fault. Either their parents refused to admit their child was not perfect, or they think the world is out to get them."


3."Eating all the fully-loaded nachos. You can't go out to a restaurant and order fully-loaded nachos to share, and then eat all the fully-loaded ones."


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4."The way they treat service staff, like petrol pump attendants and waiters, is a good indication."


5."The way they argue. If it's an endless shouting match with no chance for the opposing party to so much as speak, it's a good sign they were spoiled."


6."Leaving trash on the table at fast food restaurants."


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7."How they react to a 'no.' There's the 'Okay, well, then not' way, and the 'You dirty bitch, how dare you deny me?' It's not even only in dating. Say no to someone who wants to borrow something from you or asks for a ride, and it'll be the same."


8."Playing their music super loud on a quiet train/plane/bus. Nobody wants to hear your shitty playlist, dude. Wear some headphones."


9."Being a shitty houseguest who is able to placidly watch someone else clean up your mess and not even offer to help."


A person cleaning up with the person who made the mess looks at their phone
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10."Bad table manners."


"Smacking while eating. For fuck's sake, nobody has any reason to eat like a pig and force other people to hear them chew their food. That's not only disgusting, but also very rude."


11."Not saying the 'magic words' — please and thank you."


12."How they leave a toilet."


A toilet seat left up
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13."Mocking people with disabilities, people of lower economic background, or people who are not as 'cool' as them."


14."They don’t respect other people's boundaries."


15."Spits in the street!"


"Also gum too! I'm so fucking tired of having to scrape gum off the bottom of my shoes 'cause someone couldn't wait until they got to a trash can."


A person walking with gum stuck to their shoe
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16."When they keep their shoes on in someone's house. You definitely never had to clean that. I mean, at least take your shoes off when you see the host taking them off."


17."Throwing trash out of their car window."


18.And finally, "The test for someone’s decency is whether they put the shopping cart back in the carousel once they are done with it, or if they just leave it in the parking lot."

"It’s a good test because it isn’t illegal to do so, just inconsiderate. So you get a real test of how people behave when they don’t have to follow the rules."


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What are some other signs that someone was raised poorly? LMK in the comments below!

Responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.